03 Jun A Warm Hug
Imagine walking into a room after a long exhausting day at work and being greeted by your family and friends sharing their biggest smiles and brightest moments. That’s why I love my Nixplay photo frames. Every day I am able to re-live the most precious moments of my life by watching them play before my eyes. No matter what kind of day I’ve had, I am reminded of the most important things in life…in an instant.
I could have had the longest day at work or volunteering at my daughter’s school and yet all of that disappears in a moment. At a glance I am taken back to the place I got engaged, or our end-of-the-year school party, or glama’s last visit with us. I smile and come back to this very moment and cherish the people I love. The cares of the day seem to disappear.
Then it gets better, suddenly I can see the latest play my niece, Mia, made on the soccer field in Dallas, and the precious pregnancy pictures of our first sweet au pair, Yuliya, all the way from Germany, and how three-year old Kenny has grown in Chicago.
Of all the products I’ve seen and presented over 20 years on television, I have to admit this one is the one that has touched my heart and made a difference in my life. It’s like getting a warm hug from the people you love the most every time you walk into the room.
Elaine Staples
Posted at 13:17h, 05 JuneMy main problem with this frame is that it does not adjust the size of the picture to fit the frame. I get a lot of cut off views.