14 Jul What’s not to love about VSCO?
VSCO girl. It’s a look. It’s a vibe. It’s a feeling.
It’s VSCO (pronounced Vis-ko) and my daughter is obsessed with it. I love that she’s crafting her style and having a blast doing it. From her hydro flask to her scrunchies to her Birkenstock (courtesy of my sister), she is saving the turtles using metal straws, supporting local artists by wearing shell necklaces and woven bracelets, and you know the trail of VSCO… jean shorts, lip gloss, Polaroid pics, Mario Badescu, twinkle lights….
Oh, and it’s all over TikTok. Thanks to the trendy editing app Vsco, now at the height of popularity on Instagram.
I think it’s adorable that Victoria has fully embraced this fashion phase I find myself secretly jealous, longing to be a sunshine girl along with her. But sksksksk grates my last nerve. And though I would never wear Birkenstock I secretly love that she’s creating her own style. It’s all part of the discovery process, right? I remember spending hours trying on outfits, experimenting with make-up and playing with hairstyles. So despite my worry that she’s leaning toward some narcissistic tendencies I think it’s gonna be okay. Let’s just call it self-exploration and leave it at that. Oh, and I’ll have my red wine now please.
I’m grateful she still watches the Legends of Tomorrow with me and pulls her favorites up on Disney Plus–reminding me that she’s still a kid. I can still cuddle with her on the couch and jump in the pool with our awkward nose-covering goggles.
It’s fun. It’s young. It’s like sunshine on your skin.
If only I could get more hits than misses. “Mom, that’s not how you do it.” (insert eye roll here) Whether it’s the hydroflask stickers that I have all wrong or I’m telling her that the acrylic paint won’t last on her crocs, it’s a fun ride nonetheless. I mean, do you remember goth?
Sunshine, rainbows, beach hair and scrunchies, I’ll take that any day.
I’m a few years away from her 1st car so maybe she’ll move out of the jeep phase. Ha, my sister did have one. I hope this trend stays a while longer. It’s fun, warm and inclusive, innocent and happy–couldn’t we all use a little more of that?
Here’s to an endless VSCO girl summer!
If you listen closely, you might hear “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”
sksksksksksk –NOT
*Interested in any products mentioned above or to learn more about them, please check out my upcoming Amazon Live on Friday, July 17th 3:00 PM EST: Lea’s Ideas on Amazon Live
Deborah Vena
Posted at 20:59h, 15 JulyWe need more VSCO these days! It sounds great and I hope it stays around!
Can we be VSCO moms? lol!
Lea Little
Posted at 21:05h, 15 JulyHi Debbie! Hey–is a trend already or should we start it? #VSCO moms!Love it.